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Guest Column: An open letter to Brad Sims

A lack of communication this offseason is taking a toll on the club’s reputation among City Members.

Membership has its privileges | Courtesy

Dear Brad Sims, 

I’m writing this open letter to you because I want you to hear some important feedback from City Members like me. While I am writing for myself, I can attest that what I am about to tell you represents views and concerns I have heard from a lot of other loyal City Members. 

When New York City FC announced yesterday that Alexander Callens officially signed with Girona FC, it marked the fourth departure of a top player this offseason. This turnover is unprecedented. It has left a lot of major holes in the roster, and that has left a lot of season ticket holders feeling both shocked and also quite concerned as to what plans the club has, if any, to address these issues. 

While I know the club’s style is to not leak its offseason moves, I think it’s imperative that the club acknowledge the situation to City Members and reassure us that a plan is in place. The lack of communication is taking a toll on the club’s reputation among City Members. A lot of us are chatting about not renewing our memberships for the 2024 season. This is a decision none of us would have imagined might be a possible consideration in November 2022.

The reality is that season tickets are a significant investment each year for City Members. Many of us choose to forego other purchases in order to remain season ticket holders. The club locks City Members into their commitments almost a year prior to the first match, and eight to ten months before the offseason starts. That requires that City Members put a lot of trust and faith in the front office.

And while that trust and faith still exist, it shouldn’t be taken for granted by the club. City Members hold the club in the highest regard, and in times of unprecedented changes and departures such as what we’ve seen this offseason, we ask the club to reciprocate. It would go a long way for you to directly address what’s happening, and to outline the club’s plans for the roster for this season. 

We don’t expect you to share specifics on who we are going to sign, but City Members – and frankly all supporters – need to hear from you and be reassured that there is indeed a plan in place. We need you to talk to us, and tell us when we can realistically expect to hear news about the players who are coming to New York City, not just about the players who have left.


Matthew Nycz 
City Member since 2019



Brad Sims: Playing the long game

Brad Sims: Playing the long game

In Part 2 of this roundtable conversation with New York City FC President and CEO Brad Sims, the executive talks about why big signings are a mistake, Messi isn't, where MLS could expand next, and if the league should stagger game times.