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NYCFC vs Atlanta United: Rate the players

Let's goooooo: Time to rate the New York City players, Nick Cushing, Apple TV’s broadcast team, and NYCFC Radio announcers.

We good? | Photograph by Katie Cahalin,

You know what to do: New York City FC played Atlanta United on the totally regulation-sized field at Yankee Soccer Stadium, and now you get to rate the players. The form will close on Monday, April 10 at 6 am ET, and the results will be published that same day at 7 am ET. 

Using a mobile device and having trouble with the embedded field below? Here’s a direct link to the form.



Brad Sims: Playing the long game

Brad Sims: Playing the long game

In Part 2 of this roundtable conversation with New York City FC President and CEO Brad Sims, the executive talks about why big signings are a mistake, Messi isn't, where MLS could expand next, and if the league should stagger game times.